History of natural medicine. First part.

     Natural medicine, health science was born with man and was practiced by Egyptian and Chaldean priests. It was also cultivated by the philosophers of antiquity.
     Hippocrates formulated the rule of true art of healing, whose key, expressed in his classic phrase "natura medicatrix", that is "nature is the cure," has been forgotten by professionals in their unnatural action that leads to saturate the patient with laboratory drugs and mutilation of the body. The toxic action of apothecary poisons is precisely the agent that depresses and nullifies the natural healing force that every organism possesses, paralyzing it to prevent any saving reaction. The mutilation of the bowels also makes it impossible to restore the functional normality of the organism, which is health.

    The forces of nature no longer command in the body that you are under the drug action, which explains that with drugs the symptoms are suppressed, which always constitute organic defense.
     Faced with the medical activities of philosophers and priests who acted in full light, the sorcerers created a diabolical, mysterious and shadowy art. Instead of the natural agents used by medical philosophers, the sorcerers prescribed toxic substances, stimulants or tranquilizers based on snakes and toads, excrements, and other filth that they prepared with mastery and in a manner that concealed their disgusting nature. These poisons acted to calm or excite the symptoms of organic disarray, but leaving their cause standing, which only changed manifestations.

     We have thus explained the origin of the two medicines that, according to Dr. Paul
Carton, disputed the attention of the sick: White or philosophical medicine and Black Medicine of sorcerers.
     Preparations based on glandular extracts, vaccines and crop sera  of microbes and corrupted humors, have nothing to envy to the unclean medicines of sorcerers.

     Against this false medicine a reaction had to come to save humanity from false protectors. That reaction is in full swing today, but she has not left the ranks of doctors but the field of the sick.

Good health to everyone!

Natural medicine within reach of all. Manuel Lezaeta. Edit. Pax.
Science and practice of Iridology. Dr. Bernard Jensen. Edit. Jug.


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