
Showing posts from June, 2017

The 5 fundamental symptoms of diabetes.

Do you want to recognize the existence of diabetes in your body from the beginning? There are 5 fundamental symptoms of diabetes; 3 of them have been known for a long time and occur in almost all cases, the other symptoms are less frequent, and only appear in chronic and complicated diabetes or in cases in which the disease has not been treated correctly from the beginning.      The 5 fundamental symptoms of diabetes are:      1.- An excessive hunger in mild cases, and a very voracious hunger in the most serious cases.      2.- Thirst  more or less intense, according to the seriousness of each case.      3 .- Expulsion of a quantity of urine much higher than that normally eliminated.      4 .- Existence of an excessive amount of sugar in the blood.      5.- Presence ...

La escala del pH.

La abreviatura pH significa potencia de Hidrógeno. Una manera de probar el pH es usar una tira de papel de pH para medir la concentración de iones de hidrógeno con carga positiva. Es como un termómetro para medir la temperatura corporal. El pH muestra aumentos en fluidos de cuerpo ácido-alcalino tales como sangre, saliva, orina, linfa y tejidos. Un cuerpo sano funciona mejor cuando es ligeramente alcalino.      El pH de los fluidos y tejidos corporales afecta el estado de la salud celular y la limpieza. Cuando los niveles de pH están en equilibrio adecuado, uno experimenta un alto grado de salud y bienestar. Usted será capaz de resistir los ataques de la enfermedad.      Cada función del metabolismo, de los órganos y de los sistemas depende enteramente de un pH balanceado, incluyendo todos los mecanismos reguladores tales como respiración de la digestión, metabolismo, función de la hormona, inmunidad, etc.  ...

What is the pH scale?

       The abbreviation pH means power of Hydrogen. One way to test the pH is to use a strip of pH paper to measure the concentration of Hydrogen ions with positive charge. Its like a thermometer to measure body temperature. The pH shows increases in acid-alkaline body fluids such as blood, saliva, urine, lymph and tissues. A healthy body functions best when it is slightly alkaline.      The pH of body fluids and tissues affects the state of cellular health and cleansing. When the pH levels are in proper balance, you will experience high degree of health and wellbeing.  You will be able to resist states of disease.      Each function of metabolism, organs and systems depend entirely on a balance pH, including all regulatory mechanisms such as digestion respiration, metabolism, hormone function, immunity, etc.      If the body is overtaken by excess acidity due to poor diet, toxic e...