What is Diabetes III?
Recent research has found that type II diabetics aged 60 and older are twice as likely to succumb to Alzheimer's as non-diabetics. That's because poor glucose and insulin control are thought to contribute to the formation of sticky, plaque-like proteins responsible for Alzheimer's. Sugar acquires various consistencies and one of them is syrup consistency and this has detrimental effects on the brain area. This syrup produces atrophy and degeneration of neurons in different brain areas, especially those related to cognitive functions such as disorientation in time and space, short-term memory loss, language problems, changes in judgment in decision-making, and social withdrawal. , mood swings, depression, etc. And as if it were that easy, they don't know how challenging it is to keep blood sugar under control. Well, if you have experienced something like this, It does not have to be this way In this article, I am going to share with you the latest advance...