Alternative Therapies

     Conventional medicine is par excellence the best option for the therapeutic management of medical emergencies, infectious diseases, trauma, and all surgical problems.
     On the other hand, Alternative Medicine is probably the most effective for the treatment of all chronic and degenerative diseases;  which are, together, the diseases that predominate today. Perhaps they correspond to 85% of the diseases at present.

     For generations it has been recommended that we eat fruits and vegetables, it is known that they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. What our grandmothers did not know, is that fruits and vegetables contain surprising substances that we now know as phytochemicals. These phytochemicals have been found to prevent and alleviate various human diseases and stimulate the immune system. Phytochemicals can lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, heal skin ulcers, improve memory, heal allergies, and many other things.

     In the first place, it is indispensable that the patient eliminate the cause of the disease otherwise the improvement will be temporary. In addition to eliminating the cause of the disease, we must make several changes in our life, where it is included; Do not drink alcohol, do not smoking, exercise, not stay late very often, etc.

     Secondly, we have to change food, we all know that there are foods that can raise blood pressure and sugar, others can cause an ulcer in the stomach, and others can cause cancer, and so on.
     And finally, it is necessary to change our mental attitude since we are beings composed of body mind, and spirit.
     So all our mental and emotional problems (emotional illness is spiritual illness) will affect our body and vice versa.
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Good health to All.

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