Symptoms that occur in cases of neglected or severe diabetes.

     1.- General weakness.

     2.- Intense thinning.

     3.- Pale skin, cold, dry, rough, and sometimes somewhat yellowish.
     4.-Feeling cold throughout the body.
     5. Weakness and disorders of the heart and general circulation (when the pulse is checked, it feels weak and accelerated).

     6.- Disorders of the genital organs (impotence, sexual weakness, etc.)
     7.- Digestive disorders.

     8.- Alterations of the nervous system.
     9. Itchy skin (pruritus, itching) in different body parts.

    10.- Disorders located in the bones and joints.

     Diabetics who are properly cared for, with sufficient willpower and consistency, and for all the time necessary, will never suffer from the symptoms that only appear in severe, complicated, and misdiagnosed diabetes.

"Health is the result of our daily acts"
  Manuel Lezaeta Acharán.

     Good health to all.

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