
Faith is the sure expectation
Of things to happen
Even if they are not contemplated.
Hebrews 11: 1

Faith works exclusively
Through the mind

Faith expresses itself
In thoughts, ideas
Plans and purposes.

Faith enters the mind
Through discipline.

Faith demands the best room,
The Mental Address

It is necessary to condition the mind
Through self-discipline
For faith to be your guest.

When the mind is clean
From a negative mental attitude
The power of Faith penetrates
And he begins to take possession of it.

Faith fraternizes
With the positive mind.

Faith is an inner secret
That is applied through
Positive mental attitude.
Faith is the only means by which
The effects of the cosmic force of habit
They change from a negative attitude
To a positive one.

Faith expresses its power
Only through the mind
That has been prepared for it.
(4th and 5th steps of AA)

Faith begins
With sobriety.

It is necessary to touch bottom
To develop Faith.

Faith represents the fourth dimension,
It is a state of mind.

Faith begins
With clarity of purpose.

Faith makes it possible
That man and woman
 Can conceive and create.

Faith works through
Daily actions.
(Just for today)

Faith gives rise every day
An opportunity
For individual achievement.

Faith appears because of
Some emergency or crisis
And it requires more effort or faith
When it's a major emergency.

Faith converts defeat
In a challenge that drives
To a greater effort.

Achievements are in exact proportion
With the emergencies that must be overcome.

Defeat is a challenge
For a greater effort
Backed by a greater Faith.

Faith offers the only great highway
Towards personal independence
And release.

Faith transcends
All human experience
All education
And accessible knowledge.

Faith breaks
Fear and doubt.

Faith can make king and queen
The most humble
Man or women

Faith heals wounds
Of grief and disappointment
Whatever the cause may be.

Faith is able to perform
What not all the money
It is capable of achieving.

Faith Restores Health
When everything else fails.

Faith without works
She's dead.
Santiago 2; 26

Faith is not the possession of all.
2 Thessalonians. 3: 2

Good Health to All.


The Bible.
Think and grow  rich. Napoleon Hill.
The 12 steps. AA.


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