What does masturbation have to do with epilepsy?

     The internal fever of the belly maintains the excitation of the genital organs being the cause of this abnormality, which if left untreated can lead to epilepsy. In fact according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, masturbation is one of the main causes of Epilepsy.

     Sexual vice involves irritation of the nerve centers by impurification of the blood due to digestive disorders due to  internal fever.

     Activating the eliminations of the skin with daily Blood Wash will be able to calm the nervous system. The poultice of mud along the spine calms the excitement and fever of the nerve centers. Sleeping with mud poultice in belly and kidneys.

     Raw diet of fruit or salads is advised at the time you want.
     At last avoid the soft bed and too warm, staying at the most seven hours in it. Sleep on the right side.
     Finally, follow with constancy the Health Restoration Program.

     Good Health to Everyone.

     Get the Health Restoration Program online for $20 dls.

     The Health Restoration Program will be send on line within 48 hours and the booklet will be sent on regular mail to your home address or P O Box.

     Cel. 044 322 134 6651

     Health Restoration Program on Facebook.


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