
Let´s talk about Geotherapy


"And God modeled the man out of clay and water. And breathed into their noses the breath of life, and man became a living soul.“ Genesis: Chapter 2, verse 7.

     Man, like all animate beings, is a child of the earth, our body is formed from it and we have to reintegrate it. The food we eat is soil that the plants have transformed, vitalized and incorporated into our body. Plants are nourished by the soil and we by plants.

     In the clay we have two agents that generate organic life together: dirt and water. The union of these two agents makes everything that possesses the germ of life prosper, destroys and decomposes dead matter to transform it into new elements of life.
     The earth as a good mother, also offers health properties of great importance, used both inside and outside.

     Due to its properties, the clay is recommended as an element of great absorbing power, antiseptic, bactericidal, healing, soothing, depurative, deflates, decongests, microbicide, neutralizer etc.
     The best effect achieved with mud is its thermal action, sometimes it is used to refresh and in other times to heat. In acute superficial inflammations such as stings or blows or burns, the mud works because of the cold and loses its decongestant action as it warms up. On the other hand, in the congestions of the internal organs, the more the mud applied to the skin is heated, the more the internal heat that is fought is extracted to the outside.

     Any localized morbid process constitutes inflammation of acute, chronic or destructive character. To normalize, then, the circulatory disorder is necessary to decongest the diseased tissues or organs of the body, which is obtained with the fresh mud applied directly on the affected region, maintaining and renewing it constantly until all pain or swelling disappears. In acute inflammations the mud will be changed every time it gets too hot, every hour, more or less. However, the mud that is applied on the belly is more effective as it warms up with the unhealthy heat that it draws from the interior, thus cooling. It is removed when it dries.

     For burns, sharp or puncture wounds, knife or fire, recent , old or suppurating and especially in bruises, bills (aligned) and blows, the mud applied in poultice directly on the affected areas and renewed every one or two hours , more or less, it is incomparable and irreplaceable balsam that deflates, purifies and heals, calming the pains avoiding any complication.

     Mud has innumerable applications and is one of the best health agents. By decongesting the digestive organs promotes good digestion and therefore promotes the production of pure blood. "Remedy" that cures all kinds of diseases.

Isaiah chap. 64, verse 8 "O Jehovah, You are our Father, we are the clay and you are the Potter; and we are all the work of your hand.”

Good Health to Everyone. 


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