COVID 19 is in the blood.

     The most recent discoveries about CODIV 19 through autopsies carried out on victims of this disease in some countries in Europe and Latin America revealed that COVID 19 is not a virus but rather a bacterium that causes death.

     This bacteria causes the blood to become thick, viscous and causes clots or thrombi to form and this is what causes the death of the patient.

     So COVID 19 is nothing other than a "DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR COAGULATION" that is, a "THROMBOSIS". That is why official medicine is fighting it with anticoagulants (aspirin), anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, etc.

     Those who know say that this bacterium is also being amplified by “5G” electromagnetic radiation that produces inflammation and hypoxia (lack of oxygen in cells). This puts people with chronic and degenerative diseases at greater risk than "inflammatory" diseases such as diabetes, cancer, pneumonia, disease. of the system Circulatory, enf. Endocrine, etc.


     COVID 19 causes the blood to clot in all the veins and arteries through which the blood circulates, filling them with thrombi that prevent the blood from flowing normally and carrying oxygen to all organs, mainly to the most vital organs: brain, heart and lungs so that the blood does not flow normally and does not oxygenate them and the person dies from not being able to breathe.

Blood washing in the sun.

     Now more than ever we must purify our blood

     With the head in the shade, lying on a blanket, the naked body will be exposed to the sun, and covered with a sheet or wool blanket, preferably white, to facilitate perspiration (perspiration). Do a towel rub with cold water every time you sweat following the order already explained in the Hydrotherapy section on my blog: on April 21, 2020, alternating several times and finish the bath with another rub of cold water. In this way a true blood wash is constituted.

     The parts or organs of the body affected by pain, congestion, inflammation, tumors or ulcers, should be covered with mud or green leaves, because the sun acting directly on these inflammatory processes, increases congestion and local fever, with detriment to healing, but The mud and green leaves promote healing by chemical reactions of the sun with the chlorophyll of the green leaf and the elements that the earth has.


40 to 60 minutes. It is taken between 11 am and 1 pm.


1.- It is especially purifying, expelling all kinds of organic impurities through the pores of the skin. This releases the body from uric acid, inorganic mineral salts, drug poisons and toxins.

2. It has an effect on the nervous system, calms and tones it.

3. - It purifies, activates and normalizes the blood circulation, to varying degrees altered in all 
chronic patients.

4. - About problems of arthritis, rheumatism, diabetics, renal, cardiac, respiratory, etc.

5.- In rickets, ulcerative processes and tissue degeneration.

6.- It is recommended in acute and chronic conditions.

Contact: Cel / WhatsApp # 52 322 134 6651, in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.


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