The pioneers of Cytotherapy

      The purpose of Cytotherapy is to insert cells, organs, and tissues of piglets into the body, which reactivates altered systems, taking them back to homeostasis. The only possibility to replace old cells that have stopped producing the hormone secretions are through the application of young cells.

      Highlights of the research come from Dr. Paul Niehams and Dr. Alexis Carrel Nobel Prize in Medicine, who were implanting young tissues of cattle and sheep in 1930 in patients with various diseases, surprising the scientific world of their time in their clinic in Switzerland and came to give therapeutic treatments to important figures in politics, business, the artistic environment, and religion, including Pope Pius XII, having obtained great success in the recovery of these patients, offering them greater energy, vitality, and rejuvenation.

      Upon his return from Europe, Dr. Heberto Alcazar Montenegro from UNAM (Autonomous University of Mexico), in the 1950s, developed a Cytotherapy based on the implantation of intact glands immediately after being extracted from the infant pigs (piglets). The piglet is the best donor.

       With this method, immunological rejection is not possible due to the induction of immunological tolerance in the receptor with the application of ribonucleic acid via 1M in the shoulder at the level of the deltoid with 1.5 cm long and 1 cm deep, thus creating a cover tissue, where the pituitary gland is placed immediately after being removed. It is sutured and the wound is covered, and thiamine pyrophosphate will be applied to the patient for 12 days: this to restore metabolic energy.

     This Cytotherapy has been applied in patients with menopause, sexual dysfunction, type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Growth disorders, chronic and degenerative endocrine diseases. To delay the aging process and as a prophylactic method.

      The results have shown that 10 days after implantation, there is a change in the concentration of circulating hormones: the most notable clinical result is present during the second and third months, although the effects last for 3 years. The results of clinical tests show that the proboscis of the pituitary gland induces the gradual secretion of its hormones, which begin to circulate, and when they reach the organs, they will reactivate the glands and organs causing the secretion of hormones.

    This regulates the feedback system that has been impaired due to disease, aging, or degenerative processes, then normalizes and levels the hormonal circulation.

          In conclusion, the application of the pituitary gland allows the recovery of hormonal levels and retains homeostasis without causing adverse consequences.

Good health to all.

Contact. WhatsApp. 322 888 7134.


“The future of Medicine”, Dr. Heberto Alcazar Montenegro.

Edit. B Costa-Anic, Mexico, D F 1974




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