Why is exercise mandatory in the Quick Health Restoration Program?


     The main effects of physical exercise are: stimulate blood circulation, detoxify (by perspiration), invigorate, strengthen, normalize appetite, improve sleep, lift natural defenses that will prevent the person from getting sick.

     To be effective and beneficial, it must be adapted to the condition and capacity of each person, according to their age and attributions. Misinterpretation or bad performance of a given exercise can result in injury or discomfort, both internal and external.

     Exercise is always useful, necessary and indispensable for people of sedentary life. Physical exercise is a stimulant of vital energy, and therefore an agent of healing of the ailments (sciatica, back pain, diabetes, blood pressure, etc.). If physical exercise is practiced outdoors, it serves as an air and light bath. Excellent to gain health is to walk barefoot on the damp grass by the dew, then put your shoes and walk until obtaining the reaction of the heat.

     The walk, jog or run, at an early hour of preference for wooded places, hills or beach, is very positive because this vitalized the nervous system and the whole organism. With physical exercise you get tranquility, without pills; Recovery of nerves, without stimulants or tranquilizers, good digestion, without anti-acids, good evacuation without purgatives; Beauty, without cosmetics, and youth without artificial rejuvenators.

     The natural movements, and therefore the only useful ones for the organism, are only those that are done spontaneously, with ease and joy.

     Without a doubt the most natural gymnastics is the execution of certain agricultural or gardening works. With them the activity of the whole body is developed, while providing rest to the spirit and invigorating the nervous system.

     Good health to all.

     Contact : cel. 322 134 6651, in Puerto Vallarta, Jal.
     E-mail. Jesus17021959@gmail.com

     Natural medicine for everyone. Manuel Lezaeta A. Editorial PAX México.

     Healthy living regime. Dr. Silvino Díaz M. Edit. Healthy lifestyle.


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