The Fast.

     It is the abstain from eating food in a certain period. It can be one or several consecutive days , a day or two each week, or every 2 weeks or every month.
     Fasting can be absolute, without eating anything solid, drinking only water, relative to taking only fruit juices or partial eating only fruits and raw salads.

     Fasting is purifying, detoxifying and regenerating the organism. It normalizes and purifies the blood, activating the general eliminations and favoring the destruction of toxic or morbid substances.
     Fasting removes from the body the useless or harmful, relieves the congestion of any organ and directs all the forces of the organism to the process of elimination or "cleaning." During the time of a fast all the cells are doing elimination work and, when they are free of obstructions of toxic substances, health has returned.

     In addition, fasting fights internal fever, because it allows the digestive system to rest, whose forced and prolonged work congests its mucous and causes an imbalance in body temperature.
     Fasting does not mean paralyzing the body's nutrition, but making available the energies that the digestive process consumed to trigger eliminations, it is advisable to combine fasting with deep breaths, air and sun baths. In this way the body incorporates without work or wears by the lungs and the skin the subtle nourishment of the atmosphere and the sun replacing with advantage the intestinal nutrition.

     Fasting with fruit should be practiced by children in case of in appetence and during the course of any ailment; It is also mandatory in every sick person who keeps bed.

     Therefore, religions and initiatory societies impose fasting to undertake a spiritual exercise or prepare to receive a sacrament or initiation.
     The great productions of the human brain have never been the result of complications and laborious digestions.

     It is highly recommended to do a fruit juice fasting one day a week for a better detoxification of the body and better work of the digestive system.

     The absolute and prolonged fasting is dangerous; it should only be done under indication and supervision of your doctor or naturist guide.

    Good health to all!

     Natural medicine within reach of all. Manuel Lezaeta. Edit. PAX
     Healthy living regime. Dr. Silvino Díaz M. Edit. Healthy lifestyle.
     Modern treaty of naturist medicine. Kuhne System. Edit. Posadas.


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