History of Natural Medicine. 2nd. part.

The Parents of natural medicine.

     The sick themselves were the creators of natural medicine, such as Priessnitz, Kneipp, Kuhne, Rikli, Just, Father Tadeo and Manuel Lezaeta among others. In the same way, it was the alcoholics Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith, were tow alcoholics who helped other alcoholics recover from their illness.

     The verification of the failure of medicine that aims to restore health with pharmacy toxicants, laboratory agents and bloody surgical interventions, led these rebellious patients to seek the path of true health with the very lights of their reason, passing over the prejudice, routine and medical fanaticism.

    The success obtained by experience and apart from the officially scientific consecrated has been, therefore, the reason for being a true science that every day is more prestigious with its successes at the head of the patients for whom the drug science and surgical surgery had already exhausted its resources.
     I have already mentioned that conventional medicine is the best par excellence in cases of war, accidents, urgencies , epidemics, traumas and infections, but it has failed to treat the chronic and degenerative diseases that represent the 80 % of  health problems worldwide.

     The antagonism of these systems is natural because the interests of the physician and the patient go in opposite directions, since the former usually prospers at the expense of the latter.

     University Medicine is a profession of an economic nature, inadequate to meet the needs of the patient who needs to control and defend his own functional normality, which is the integral health of his body.

     Good Health to All.


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