Temperatures in the human body.

     Our body has two wraps; the external one isolates us from the environment that surrounds us and is called skin, and the internal one that covers the interior cavities of our body is called mucosa. Health, that is, the functional normality of the body, depends on the thermal balance on the skin and mucosa.

     The man is a warm-blooded animal and his heat is 98.6 Fahrenheit in health.
     Blood circulation, the result of nervous activity, determines the temperature in the body. This will be normal circulating the blood evenly in the body. Any circulatory alteration of the vital fluid originates in the organism congestions and anemia with alteration of its thermal equilibrium. The temperature in the congested area will be higher and will be lower in the region of the body that has poor blood circulation, because the excess of blood is the result of increased nervous activity and the deficient activity of this energy determines poor blood flow.

     There is no patient without fever. When this is not verified by the thermometer applied under the arm, it is because the fever is refugee inside the body.
     In acute conditions, fever, whose origin is always inside the entrails, spreads throughout the body, manifesting a healthy reaction of natural defenses, which seek organic purification.
     The internal fever, which does not, shows the surface of the body is characteristic of all chronic patients, and it reveals insufficient defense of the organism, being a cause of malnutrition and intoxication because it favors intestinal putrefaction.

     While the fever that comes to the surface of the body manifests a saving reaction, the internal fever that cools the skin and extremities, denounces deficient organic activity that is, weakening of the vital energy of the subject.

     Good Health to Everyone.

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