
Showing posts from January, 2018


Let´s talk about Geotherapy Clay. "And God modeled the man out of clay and water. And breathed into their noses the breath of life, and man became a living soul.“ Genesis: Chapter 2, verse 7.      Man, like all animate beings, is a child of the earth, our body is formed from it and we have to reintegrate it. The food we eat is soil that the plants have transformed, vitalized and incorporated into our body. Plants are nourished by the soil and we by plants.      In the clay we have two agents that generate organic life together: dirt and water. The union of these two agents makes everything that possesses the germ of life prosper, destroys and decomposes dead matter to transform it into new elements of life.      The earth as a good mother, also offers health properties of great importance, used both inside and outside.      Due to its properties, t...

El Barro

“Y modeló Dios  al hombre de la arcilla y el agua. Y sopló en sus narices el aliento de vida, y el hombre  vino a ser un alma viviente”. Génesis: Cap. 2, versículo 7.      El hombre como todos los seres animados, es hijo de la tierra, de ella está formado nuestro cuerpo y a ella tenemos que reintegrarnos. Los alimentos que comemos son tierra que las plantas  han transformado,  vitalizado e incorporado a nuestro organismo. Las plantas se nutren de la tierra y nosotros de las plantas.      En el barro tenemos unidos dos agentes generadores de la vida orgánica: tierra y agua. La unión de estos dos agentes hace prosperar  todo lo que posea germen de vida, destruye y descompone la materia muerta para transformarla en elementos nuevos de vida.      La tierra como buena madre, nos ofrece también propiedades salutíferas de gran importancia, usada tanto al interior como al exterior.  ...


     The act of violently expelling the contents of the stomach, or in some cases the intestine, through the mouth is called vomiting. Nausea is the desire to vomit. Usually, vomiting signposts irritation of the stomach, intestine, brain or nervous system. Appendicitis, peritonitis and meningitis are usually accompanied by vomiting. During pregnancy, vomiting occurs when there is a state of pre-existing digestive disorder and are never natural in pregnancy as is commonly believed. The woman who from the conception is subjected to the Health Restoration Program, breathing fresh air day and night, feeding on vegetables especially raw fruit, salads and seeds such as almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, and also rubbing cold water daily The whole body, and one or two genital baths of 20 to 40 minutes each time will not suffer the common aches and pains of pregnancy and you can be sure of having a happy outcome without pain, at the same time as a healthy child. ...