It is more important defecating than eating.

Man lives to eat while the animal eats to live. Every day we watch the time when we are going to eat and we are not worried about the time to defecate unless we are hurry by the body. But you know what? It is more important to defecate than eat! We can live many days without eating (90 days aprox) and very few days, without defecating, because we would poison ourselves. Even if nothing is eaten, a liter of bile must be evacuated daily. The bodies that do not eliminate their impurities are poisoned and die. After fifty years, the health of the human being is a detoxification problem. Since life is a nervous activity, and since the health of the nerves depends on the purity of the blood, it is understood the importance of purifying the blood with active defecations and daily eliminations. In human beings, there are only three causes of death: accident, old age, and intoxication. The death of old age or natural ...