It is more important defecating than eating.

lives to eat while the animal eats to live. Every day we watch the time
when we are going to eat and we are not worried about the time to defecate unless we are hurry by the body. But you know what? It is more important to
defecate than eat! We can live many days without eating (90 days aprox) and very
few days, without defecating, because we would poison ourselves. Even if
nothing is eaten, a liter of bile must be evacuated daily. The bodies that do not
eliminate their impurities are poisoned and die.
fifty years, the health of the human being is a detoxification problem. Since
life is a nervous activity, and since the health of the nerves depends on the
purity of the blood, it is understood the importance of purifying the blood
with active defecations and daily eliminations.
In human
beings, there are only three causes of death: accident, old age, and intoxication.
The death of old age or natural death is currently an exception, it is only the
result of the exhaustion of life force beyond one hundred years.
The deaths
of today are unnatural, premature, violent, and tragic since they imply the
interruption of life. The death that cuts the life of the creature before being
born, the one that takes the young man full of illusions, the one that stops
the career of man in full power and activity.
does not die of accident or old age can only die of intoxication due to
intestinal putrefactions and deficient eliminations of their intestine, skin,
kidneys, and lungs; or as a result of drug intoxications.
best time to move your bowels is soon after you wake up. This allows the body
to be free of the impurities of the previous day, and to start the new day's activities with a clean physiology.
If the problems are chronic, the organism
can be re-trained to be regular. The most important issue is to allow time
for the evacuation to occur without forcing it. When you wake up you should
drink one or two glasses of hot water then go to the toilet and sit down in a
crouched position on the toilet bowl, which is what primitive men did and
calmly wait for them to spend 5 to 10 minutes giving time for bowel functions
to occur by themselves.
should not be read during defecation. When reading, attention is focused out of
the body and upwards, that is towards the mind. During the evacuation the
attention must be concentrated inwards and downwards, that is, the navel. (As
Deepak Chopra says).
nothing happens in ten minutes, dedicate yourself to your affairs.
If you perform this procedure every day (try an evacuation and not worry if
there is one or not), your body will start to recover the rhythm of nature. The
purification mechanisms of your system will be better integrated with the
natural cycles.
you continue to have problems with constipation or other irregularities of your
bowel function, you can stop by to visit my office of Alternative Therapies at # 1 Ketzu St. Aramara neighborhood, Puerto Vallarta, Jal. Cel/Whatsapp 322 134 6651.
Good health
to all.
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