High blood pressure reveals an acute state of blood impurification.

Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood to your body. Hypertension is the term used to describe high blood pressure.
• A normal blood pressure is when the blood pressure is less than 120/80 mm Hg most of the time.
• High blood pressure (hypertension) is when one or both of the blood pressure numbers are greater than 130/80 mm Hg most of the time.

Without treatment, high blood pressure significantly increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
The heart pumps blood through a network of arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood in movement pushes against the walls of the arteries and this force is measured as blood pressure.
This ailment is fashionable among wealthy people. Loaded with strange matter, the blood becomes impure, loses its fluidity and becomes viscous. To mobilize this thick blood, the heart and arteries must force their work, which results in an increase in blood pressure.


This phenomenon constitutes, then, organic defense that must be attended to in its cause that is in the impurification of the blood and deficient eliminating activity in the skin of the patient.

Many factors can affect blood pressure, including:

• The amount of water and salt that you have in your body
• The state of the kidneys, nervous system or blood vessels
• Your hormone levels
You are more likely to be told that your blood pressure is too high as you get older over 60 years old. The blood vessels weaken over the years and lose their elasticity, when this happens, the blood pressure rises. High blood pressure increases the likelihood of having a stroke, a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease or premature death.

Who is at risk of high blood pressure?

• The obese
• Those who are often stressed, anxious or angry
• Those who drink too much alcohol (more than 1 drink a day for women and more than 2 a day for men
• Those who consume too much salt
• Those who have a family history of high blood pressure
• Those who have diabetes
• Those who smoke

Hypertension can affect health in four main ways:
• Hardening of the arteries. The pressure inside the arteries can cause thickening of the muscles lining the arterial wall and narrowing of the arteries. If a blood clot obstructs blood flow to the heart or brain, it can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

• Enlargement of the heart. High blood pressure makes the heart work harder. Like any other muscle in the body that undergoes excessive exercise, the heart increases in size to be able to perform the additional work. The larger the heart, the more oxygen-rich blood it will need, but the less it can maintain adequate circulation. As a result of this situation, the affected person will feel weak and tired, and will not be able to exercise or perform physical activities. Without treatment, heart failure will continue to get worse.

• Kidney damage. Prolonged high blood pressure can damage the kidneys if the blood supply to these organs is affected.
• Eye damage. In diabetics, hypertension can cause ruptures in the small capillaries of the retina of the eye, causing effusions. This problem is called "retinopathy" and can cause blindness.

Treatment of blood pressure

• Eat a healthy diet low in fat and salt. Obtain the Health Restoration Program. Consultation includes: Diagnosis with Iridology, pH test and Health Restoration Program with a healthy diet. $ 300.00 pesos.

• Reduce excessive weight. With Auriculopuncture, $ 100.00 per week.

• Begin a regular physical exercise program. The 3 great doctors are: outdoor physical exercise, healthy diet and cold water. (Dr. Sydenham of England)

• Learn to control stress. Try the phenomenon of Immediate stress relief  with Acupuncture. Session $ 300.00 pesos.

To get out of the crisis; Immediate Relief of High Pressure, with Acupuncture. Session $ 300.00 ps
• Give up smoking. Required.

• Moderate or suppress alcohol consumption. Remember that a moderate consumption is an average of one or two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

The treatment will be directed to normalize the composition of the blood by breathing pure air, by means of good digestions and active elimination of the skin with the Bloodwashing Lezaeta system  with steam cabinet. 1 hour session $ 150.00 pesos.

Appointments to cel 322 134 6651.

Good Health to all!

Natural Medicine available to everyone. Manuel Lezaeta Edit. PAX, Mexico.
MedlinePlus Health Magazine


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