What is the fastest growing disease in Mexico?

 Data from INEGI (INEGI is the Mexican National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Computing) show that diabetes is one of the first causes of death and the fastest growing disease in Mexico. Currently more than 4,000,000 (four million) Mexicans have been diagnosed with this disease, however this figure could double.
The INEGI reports that the most reported complication is the decrease in vision by 47.6%.
47% of diabetics have high blood pressure.
71.28% of Mexican diabetics are overweight, in other words 7 out of 10 have obesity.
The percentages of diabetics who undergo revision of feet are very low.
16% of diabetics in Mexico do not have any health service.
More than a third of the population suffers or has a family member with known diabetes.
One in eight adults has been diagnosed with a risk condition.

The reality is that diabetes is a malicious and insidious disease with harmless appearances.
You do not know you have problems, but until any complication arises or the disease is out of control, such as urinary incontinence and thirst, two of the most common symptoms of diabetes. This happens especially disproportionately with diabetes 2. Only 20% of the population is informed about this disease. This means that 80% of the population does not know if they are at risk of suffering from this disease or if they already have it. That is why it is also called "the silent killer".
People who have already been diagnosed with this disease tend to be more aware of the risks that this disease involves and have acquired knowledge about it.

Diabetes is a chronic and degenerative disease and its treatment depends almost entirely on the habits of the person who suffers it and how it takes care of their health. This can worry and even alarm the person who has it. Now people are more aware of these two risk factors, which are: overweight due to overfeeding and lack of exercise due to inactivity. Now we see that this disease is a lifestyle disease, there is no doubt that the lifestyle and the environment contribute to the development of this disease.

Most adults know a little about the long-term consequences of diabetes, which can involve foot amputations, blindness, kidney disease and heart disease, but only 20% know that this disease can also cause heart attacks and brain vascular accidents.  Maybe if more people aware of these dangers would be more motivated to change their lifestyle.
Statistics show that 43% of people with diabetes are at the limit with eye problems, heart and feet. And 10%  can no longer work.

For people with diabetes 2 which body do not make enough insulin or their cells can not use insulin properly, insulin is needed for the body to use glucose for energy. When insulin stays in the blood instead of traveling to the cells, it can lead people to a condition of diabetes.
INEGI data show that Mexican government spends $3,430,000,000 dollars a year treating this disease.

Alternative therapies for control:

Alopathic Medicine
Natural medicine
Homeopathic medicine
Citotherapy medicine. (Piglet pituitary implant)

  Citotherapy introduces young molecules in the body from organs, glands, tissues in altered systems to reactivate the secretion of hormones again, bringing the glands to normal through homeostasis.

Contact for more information about implants, by email:

Cel. Y WhatsApp 322 888 7134 

Good health to everyone.
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