First aid for the affection of the covid 19 at home


     This first aid are based on one of the four principles of Hippocrates that says "Natura Medicatrix" that is "Nature heals" and also said in another way, "The body heals itself" through Homeostasis, so that only the nature of the individual is capable of healing him.

     Any patient who puts this first aid into practice will have to resort to them in a timely manner, doing it well.

    So they are the natural agents of life such as water, mud, fruits, vegetables, seeds, cereals, etc. and the hygienic practices recommended here are those that will restore health to the body so that the possible healing is carried out by its own nature or active force.

      This first aid have been prepared for health education purposes. The author provides this information and the reader can accept it on the understanding that first aid at home and hygienic practices will be done by the patient entirely at his own risk. In no case, nor under any circumstances, the author is responsible or charge of any person.

First aid of the affection of the coronavirus at home.

Feeling bad the person, first thing should try to empty the intestine and activate the heat of the skin and extremities.
   If the colon has not been emptied during the day, an enema or a lavatory with natural water should be applied on an empty stomach, (the best time to do this is in the morning before eating any thing) a few drops of virgin olive oil can be added for three days in a row. For adults, a liter of water will suffice, repeating it if there is no effect in 6 hours until evacuation is obtained.

     If the body asks for rest, the patient will stay in bed and, once his feet are warm, he will proceed to apply cold water rubs with a towel to the entire body, every hour, sheltering without drying.
     These rubs every hour will be from 4 to 6 every day for children and the elderly and from 6 to 8 in adults, always observing the heat reaction. If this reaction is weak, the rubbing will be removed, doing it every hour and a half.

     If there is a high fever  , each rub should be followed by a mud wrap.
     If there is no improvement in a few days, in the following days a long pack will be made from 10 to 11 in the morning and rubs in the afternoon.

     During the night the sick person, child, old man or adult will sleep with a  mud poultice on the whole belly noticing  the heat reaction, that is, that the mud is heated with the heat that it extracts from inside the body. To avoid cooling, the mud layer should be 4 to 5 millimeters thick.
     If the fever is very high, the poultice will be applied to the kidneys and belly, first placing the kidney and then on the belly.

     The patient's diet in bed will be exclusively raw based on fruits and salads, eating little each time and according to his wishes. Children should be added sweet almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts or peanut butter. If they cannot chew they will be given almond milk or fruit juices. In the absence of fruit, raw oats soaked in cold water for one or more hours and sweetened with honey or sweet fruits such as raisins, figs or bananas are recommended.

     If you perspire a lot with the rubs, your thirst will be quenched with lemonades or unsweetened oranges. Natural fruit juices are also recommended.
     The intestine must be emptied every day even if nothing is eaten, because in this way not only acidic wastes are expelled from digestion, but also bile, a poison that is secreted by the liver and must m ust not be retained in the body.

     Breathing clean air day and night is essential to restore the health of the patient.
     Symptoms should not be stifled, but attention should be directed to normalizing the digestion of the patient and activating the eliminations of his intestines and skin with perspiration or reaction of heat, with curative fever.

     When the pulse has dropped to 80 in children and the elderly, or to 70 per minute in adults, we will have dominated the fever that is the enemy that we must fight.

     There are cases in which the patient's skin is cold, not tolerating the rubbing of cold natural water. In these cases, before the cold application, we should heat the skin  with a wool rag or natural fiber of ixtle or loofah.

     Finally, the treatment presented here will be repeated daily until the patient's health is restored, which will be achieved in 14 days. Except for more chronic feverish processes.
    Once Normal pulse and digestion are restored, hunger and mood will return. The patient will leave the bed, always taking care of their digestion and avoiding the feet from getting cold.

     Meanwhile, ! Stay at home!!

     Good health to all.


Natural medicine is handy to everyone. Manuel Lezaeta

"The new science of healing. Louis Kuhne

The science and practice of Iridology. Dr.Bernard Jensen.

Health Restoration Program. Jesus Mendez N,D.

     Contact: cell/WhatsUp 52 1 322 134 6651.


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