How to raise quickly your defenses with Hemotherapy.

What is Hemotherapy?

It is a preventive medical technique with healing effects that has been used since the last century and consists of drawing blood from a patient's vein and immediately re-injecting it into a muscle of the same patient. This causes the body to react as if a foreign agent attacks it, which alerts the entire body's self-defense system, which in this process begins to eliminate all the malignant elements that exist in the body.

This part of medicine is a treatment for different clinical pathologies through the use of blood as a therapeutic means and its objective is to transfuse it safely and effectively. Hemotherapy has an extensive list of regulations, recommendations, quality systems and technical accreditation.
Dr. Luiz Moura, Brazilian doctor and treatment specialist, explains that Hemotherapy is a "powerful immune stimulus" that favors the elimination of bacteria, parasites and viruses from the body. And through which countless patients with various diseases have been helped. He also tells how he started using this since 1943 on the recommendation of his father, who was a professor at the Brazilian Univerity of Medicine, to avoid post-operative infections.

 Dr. Moura points out that Hemotherapy is a therapeutic application with multiple applications and whose favorable results have been verified in infections, different types of viruses, allergies, lupus, cancer, myasthenia, arthritis, acne, hepatitis, diabetes, psoriasis, chronic asthma, high cholesterol, scabies, neurological, cardiac, dengue and even early stage AIDS,

Dr.Moura says that Hemotherapy can be used permanently at intervals of 10 weeks and allows the blood to be cleaned and the immune system activated, which is the best preventive medicine. Dr. Moura hopes that Hemotherapy can be disclosed by his colleagues for the satisfactory results it produces in so many pathologies. He also mentions that hemotherapy was relegated due to the discovery of penicillin and the invention of antibiotics; however he maintains that double benefits can be achieved by combining both methods.

It is worth mentioning that many of his medical colleagues considered Dr. Luiz Moura deserving of the Nobel Prize in medicine.

Hemotherapy treatment is available in Puerro Vallarta for only $ 150 pesos. (Includes needles and syringes)

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