Cytotherapy in Mexico.

The purpose of Cytotherapy is to insert molecules from young organs, glands, and tissues into the human body, which reactivate altered systems, bringing them back to homeostasis. Homeostasis is the state of balance between all the body systems that are needed to survive and function properly. According to one of the principles of Hippocrates that says: "The body regulates and heals itself". In fact, the only possibility to replace old cells that have stopped producing secretions is through the application of young cells. Outstanding aspects of these investigations in 1930 come from Dr. Paul Niehams, Dr. Hansleico, and Nobel Prize in Medicine Dr. Alexis Carrel, when he implanted tissue from young embryos of cattle and sheep in patients with various diseases, having obtained great success in the recovery of these patients. In Mexico, in the '50s, Dr. Heriberto Alcazar developed a Cytotherapy based on the implantation of intact glands immediately after being extra...