Pre-diabetes and its 5 main symptoms.

   Do you want to recognize the existence of diabetes in your body from the beginning? There are 5 fundamental symptoms of diabetes; 3 of them have been known for a long time and occur in almost all cases, the other symptoms are less frequent, and only appear in chronic and complicated diabetes or in cases where the disease has not been treated correctly,

      The 5 fundamental symptoms of diabetes are:

      1.- Excessive hunger in mild cases, and very voracious hunger in more serious cases.

      2.- More or less intense thirst, according to the severity of each case.

      3.- Expulsion of more urine that is normally eliminated. 

      4.- Existence of an excessive amount of sugar in the blood.

      5.- Presence of sugar in the urine (under normal conditions, urine contains absolutely no sugar).

I will soon report other additional symptoms.

      Write a comment and receive a free diagnosis and discover the condition of your pancreas.

Consultations and diagnosis at # 1 Plaza Ketzu St. Aramara neighborhood,  Puerto Vallarta, Jal.

Make an appointment at WhatsApp 322 888 7134

Email: Jesus

Good Health to All!!!


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